The Narooma Men’s Shed will have an Open Day on 7th September 2022
Narooma Men’s Shed have redesigned the iconic Christmas Whale.
It’s brighter and it has a little friend.
Children love the Christmas Whale and we get numerous reports from visitors about their kids getting excited when they see it each year.
Let’s get in the Christmas spirit this year, only Narooma has the Mighty Christmas Whale.
We need to be ahead of the game this year. It takes time to cut out the whales and paint them. Narooma Men’s Shed need to make more Christmas Whales so we are taking orders now so that nobody misses out. Lots of private homes buy the whale outright, but often miss out because they leave it to late to order.
A big thanks to the business people who hire a whale every year and support our town and our great men’s shed. We really have some great people who care a lot, thank you.
Remember the fires? Last January a Hunter Valley miner, a mines supervisor, Pat Archer contacted the NAROOMA MEN’S SHED to see if they could act as a reception /distribution centre for a tools donation by the Glencore Bulga open cut miners of Ravensworth.
Narooma Men’s Shed knew things were happening but on April 3rd a truck rolled into town with six pallets of tools conservatively valued at $36,000. A massive donation of new and used tools.
How did this happen? Pat was asked; “well I was watching the box, saw the devastation caused by the fires and as I watched one report and I thought, hell the sheds are gone too. They will have no tools now. So we started the collection effort.
The maintenance manager at Ravensworth Darren Meyer, took up the cause and donations came from Atom Tool Supplies and Ausmech Industries totalling $15000, and together with miners sorting out their home sheds, six pallets arrived into the welcoming arms and smiles of Danielle and helpers at the Cobargo Relief Centre. The centre has taken on the job of reception/distribution as the Narooma men’s shed is closed due to the pandemic.
From a distance and from the heart, the kindness and concern of strangers has made a difference. The tools are already on their way to a wide group of affected people and their communities
A massive SHOUT OUT to the Bulga mob and their wonderfully generous contacts. You have lifted spirits down south as we go through these, the most testing of times in all our lives.
Bernie Perrett, Narooma Men’s Shed