The Shed will close for 4 weeks from close of business on Thursday 19th March 2020.
This decision has been carefully considered by the Committee and is being taken to ensure the health of shed members is not compromised by attendance at the shed due to exposure to the COVID-19 virus.
We understand that this may be disruptive to member’s lifestyles but your health is of paramount importance to the Committee.
We will monitor developments in relation to the Corona Virus and will review the situation in 4 weeks and inform the membership of any decision made by the Committee.
Please check your emails regularly for any updates and thank you for your understanding of this potentially hazardous and continuously evolving adverse health situation.
Stay Safe
Narooma Mens Shed Committee

Bushfire Recovery
The Narooma Men’s Shed is open and would like to assist those directly affected by bushfires in the community, by fixing, repairing or making items to help them in getting back on their feet.
We have skills and machines in both metal work (welding, bending sheet) as well as wood working capability.
So, if anybody in the wider Narooma area who has a need that we can tackle at the Shed during the ongoing bushfire crisis, bring your items to the Narooma Men’s Shed in Glasshouse Rocks Road and we will do our best to fix things.
Please contact:
Bernie Perrett (President) on 0418 497 646
Wal Sheehan (Vice President) on 0417 046 921
Or ask for Dave or Dick at the Shed

The whales are mostly out now and appearing on the businesses about town. We have picked up a few new customers. Thank you to the members of the community and especially the business people who support our town and the Men’s Shed by either buying or renting a whale.

Loading the whales
We have also made a few penguins and we are in the process of making some Santa’s. We still have a few whales in stock but not many. Thanks to Curley, Rick, Rody, John Voytas, Jonathon and Steve for their help.

Narooma Sports Club

Narooma Visitor Centre

When you come to the shed next time, you will see in the Recreation Room a 3D model made by Bernie as to what it will look like and the amount of space we will have.
So Bernie has encouraged us to form up small teams to discuss what we can do with the space to meet both our current activities as well as to provide space for new activities. It is an important exercise so that we identify the water, electricity, lighting, dust extraction needs and work spaces. So now is the time to get involved as we may have only 4 weeks to firm things up!

Yes it was a long time ago, February in fact, when we all celebrated at the Scout Hall the signing of the lease on the adjacent land.
Since then, we have had countless meetings among the members and our architect in terms of designing our future home, followed by many meetings with Council trying to get agreement to a workable design.
Well, that effort has finally resulted in a signed DA so that we can start to move forward with making it happen.
The building sub-committee continues to meet every 2 weeks to keep the planning on track. We have Expression of Interest from a number of local tradespeople wishing to get involved.
We will be looking to form a small group of members interested in
planning our native gardens around and within our new site. If you have an interest in being part of the Planting group could you let Wal or Bernie know please?

Our new website (www.naroomamensshed.com.au) is now up and running thanks to the time and effort that Sarah and Adrian from Fisse Design have donated as a community project to the Narooma Men’s Shed.
Bernie Perrett (President), Adrian and Sarah Fisse and Colin Berry (Treasurer) at the Fisse Design office in Narooma.
The site is now a great asset to the Men’s Shed, and will let all the members and the wider community know what is happening on a daily basis at the shed.

On visiting Leongatha last October to catch up with Brian, I suggested that in appreciation of having introduced me to the Narooma Men’ Shed and the considerable time he spent in guiding me to learn the process of woodturning, that I would endeavour to make up a memento so as to recall his time in Narooma.
Quite some time has passed but after some input from a number of Shedders, and the support for the “MACS girls” we finally have an item to forward on.
I initially tried to find a white round tile to use to recess into a rounded timber base. No luck, but it was then that the “MACS girls” offered a square tile.
Similarly I procrastinated on what type of motif to use that might strike a chord with Brian – Lighthouse, Whale, Montague Island, etc.
I won’t try to cover all that have contributed to the discussion but I am indebted to Rob Atkinson who provided me with a bit of Craven family folklore. That on relocating to
Narooma, Brian’s first Priority was to purchase a boat shed before considering a new home for the family. A reminder wife Elizabeth has often made over time.
So Rob came up with the perfect motif as you can see from the present. I had previously spoken to Bernie Perrett to use his painting skills but when finally ready Bernie was travelling and Margaret Moran came forward to complete the task – a fie result of her excellent talent.
Peter (Cutly) Carles located a piece of Bunya Pine that Brian had left with NMS and produced the caption at the base of the plaque.
So a big thank you to the “MACS girls” for the tiles, tyo Jennifer Hawkins for her guiding on trimmings, and to Margaret Moran for her excellent artistry.
I would like the group support to enable us to send off the plaque, a “thinking of you card” card, a current membership list – which has increased, as well as a copy of the plan for the new shed development, plus a photo of Rob Atkinson and Bernie Perrett as ab NSM effort.
This I hope will update Brian as to the further growth of the Narooma Men’s Shed in the past year. Brian, as an instigator back in 2011 and on formation became the first president along with Rob Atkinson as the first secretary and still mush a contributor today.
Chas Rogers